• 350 S Grand Ave Suite 712084, Los Angeles, CA 90071
  • 213-438-9018

What If I want to begin utilizing your services for collection, how do I get started?

You must execute our Company’s Retention Agreement and email, fax or U.S. mail said Agreement to our office. Phone #: 213-438-9018 Mailing address: 350 S Grand Ave Suite 712084, Los Angeles, CA 90071 Once you have the executed Retention Agreement, cases can be placed through our website, www.itspastdue.com, fax or U.S. mail.

How important is debt age? When is a good time to employ a Collection Agency?

The age of delinquency is the most major factor in determining whether a debt will be paid or not. The best time to hope for and try to collect is on a debt that is 60 to 90 days old.

Where does IT’S PAST DUE Collection Agency provide services?

I.P.D.C.A specializes in collecting delinquent accounts in all fifty states. These accounts are usually referred by credit card companies, healthcare institutions, car dealerships, personal finance lenders, creditors and other businesses or companies that extend credit to their clients.

Why use a collection agency?

Many debtors will pay a collection agency even though they never cooperated with the original creditor. Once the case is placed with a collection agency some debtors finally realize that you are serious and do not want their credit to be compromised.