• 350 S Grand Ave Suite 712084, Los Angeles, CA 90071
  • 213-438-9018

Commercial Collection Agency

The Commercial Debt Recovery Specialists in our collection agency are tenured, certified professionals hand-picked through a strict hiring process. They are highly trained to understand the most effective debt collection methods and strategies. Our recovery specialists comply with all state and federal regulations when performing collection activities for our clients.

Our Commercial Collection techniques can help remove the burden of pursuing your debtors and may also greatly improve speed of debt recovery as well as increase the amount of bad debt recovery. Our Collectors has the training, experience and resources to produce the best results possible. Another benefit of outsourcing to our Collection Agency is that you don’t have to waste your company’s time, money and resources trying to collect the money you are owed.

We work on a contingency, you do not pay us a dime unless we successfully collect your debt.

Our Commercial Collection outbound calling campaigns have proved benefits including:

  • Calls deliver more than double the response of a written notice
  • Calls generate payments five to eight days faster than a written notice
  • Calls generate a higher percentage of payments than written notices
  • 70 to 85 percent of customers contacted pay or make arrangement

Business Debt Collection Tips and Techniques

One of the most important tips is to make sure you use proper and sufficient documentation, such as service contracts, purchase agreements, invoices, signed guarantees, et cetera. Many debtors will attempt to avoid paying the debt they owe your company simply because, when push comes to shove, the debtor is not able to “prove” the liability of the debtor, or that the amount owed is accurate or valid. Unfortunately, many debtors succeed at avoiding payment this way.

When a debtor puts the ball back in your court, the burden will be on you to prove that they owe you money. If you are careful about collecting signed documentation for each and every transaction with your customers, and you maintain these records in an organized and secure manner, you should have no difficulty proving that the debtor owes the money you claim

Another tool that helps increase the percentage of collection of commercial debt is the requirement of a personal guarantee by a company officer/owner before doing business. A debtor’s use of the corporate shell game, in their attempt to avoid making payment, is put to an abrupt stop when a personal guarantee is produced.

A commercial collection agency can help remove the burden of pursuing your debtors and may also greatly improve your speed of debt recovery as well as increase the amount of bad debt you are able to recover. Our collection agency has the training, experience and resources to produce the best results possible. Another benefit of outsourcing to a commercial collection agency is that you don’t have to waste your company’s time, money and resources trying to collect the money you are owed. Since most commercial collection agencies work on a contingency, you will never owe us a dime unless we successfully collect debt

Over 30 years of experience we’ll ensure you always get the best results.